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Sunset Rewards Terms and Conditions

Sunset Rewards Terms and Conditions

    1. Membership of Sunset Tavern Rewards is only open to natural persons who are Australian residents and aged over 18 years.
    2. An Applicant may apply to become a Member by submitting to the Venue Operator:
      1. an on-line or written Application Form; and
      2. Photo ID .
    3. By submitting an Application Form, the Applicant acknowledges that they have read, understood and agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions if they are granted Membership.
    4. The Venue Operator will notify the Applicant if they have been granted Membership which the Venue Operator may do in its discretion. Membership is personal to the Member and is not transferable.
    5. Each Member must promptly notify the Venue Operator from time to time of any changes to their details as originally submitted in their Application Form.
    1. Subject to providing Photo ID, a Member shall be entitled to be issued one (1) Membership Card within such timeframe as determined by the Venue Operator.
    2. All Membership Cards remain the property of the Venue Operator and must be returned to the Venue Operator on demand.
    3. A Member is responsible for promptly notifying the Venue Operator if their Membership Card is lost, stolen or damaged. A lost, stolen or damaged Membership Card may be replaced by the Venue Operator in its discretion.
    4. Any accrued Rewards may be forfeited or replaced in the Venue Operator’s discretion if a Membership card is lost, stolen or damaged.
    5. A Membership Card is not transferable and must only be used by the Member to whom it was issued.
    6. Each Member is responsible for the proper use of their Membership Card to earn Rewards. A Member shall not be entitled to claim any Rewards which fail to accrue to the Member due the Member’s incorrect use of their Membership Card or any Venue equipment.
    1. Subject to clause 4, a Member may only earn Rewards by:
      1. swiping their Membership Card at the Rewards Kiosk to earn Points depending on their Tier of Membership and the chance to win a random Prize (the Rewards Kiosk will only recognise one (1) swipe per day for the purpose of earning Rewards);
      2. inserting their Membership Card into the reader attached to a poker machine the Member is playing – to earn 1 Point for each $5.00 of turnover; or
      3. Venue Operator staff swiping the Member’s Membership Card at the point of sale when purchasing food or drink at the Venue (excluding on-line purchases) – to earn 1 Point for each $1.00 spent.
    2. All Points accrued by a Member may be:
      1. converted for cash at point of sale locations nominated by the Venue; or
      2. converted for discounts when purchasing food or drink at the Venue as follows:
        Converting Points:
        100 points = $1 cash value.
        Points can be converted to cash at minimum $5 increments at the point of sale locations nominated by the Venue.
        Points can also be redeemed as equivalent cash reductions on purchases in-venue, with no minimum points required / discount.
        Subject to being offered by the venue, Points can also be redeemed by purchasing items  in-venue.
    3. Members will have the chance to earn the following standard Rewards (subject to any additional Rewards offered by the Venue):
      Rewards Points Benefit
      Points Earned per $1 Spent In Venue
      (All Areas of Venue Excluding on EGMs)
      1 point
      Points Earned per $5 Turnover on EGMs 1 point
      Signup Bonus 250 points
      Visitation Bonus 10 points
      Free Drink Bonus
      (Includes tap beer, house wine, basic spirit, soft drink, tea or coffee)
      $20 Food Voucher N/A*
      Birthday Bonus
      (7 days either side of birthday)
      1,000 points
      Points Bonus 500 points*
      Points Bonus 1,000 points*

      * These Rewards are earned at random as determined by the operational settings of the Rewards Kiosk at the Venue.

    4. A Member’s Tier of membership and discount entitlement will be based on the Member’s EGM Turnover as follows:
      Member Tier Member’s EGM Turnover Member Discount
      Bronze $0 to $9,999 within 3 consecutive calendar months N/A
      Silver $10,000 to $24,999 within 3 consecutive calendar months 10% off Food
      Gold $25,000 to $59,999 within 3 consecutive calendar months 20% off Food
      Platinum $60,000 or more within 3 consecutive calendar months 50% off Food
    5. A Member’s Tier is set or adjusted on the first day of each calendar month, based on the Member’s EGM Turnover during the previous three (3) consecutive calendar month period. (For example, on 01/04/2023 the Member’s Tier will be set or adjusted based on the Member’s EGM Turnover during the period 01/01/2023 to 31/03/2023.
    6. All Points are valid for one year from their date of accrual to the Member.
    7. The Venue Operator reserves the right in its discretion to review, adjust or cancel any Rewards accrued by a Member including due to a technical malfunction or error of any equipment, the improper act or omission of the Member or a breach of these Terms and Conditions.
    8. Rewards are personal to the Member who accrued them and cannot be transferred to another Member.
    9. Any Rewards issued with an expiry date shall expire and cease to be redeemable if not used by that expiry date.
    10. Rewards cannot be used in conjunction with any other promotion, offer or discount conducted by the Venue Operator.
    11. All Rewards are subject to availability and the Venue Operator shall not be liable to the Member for the unavailability of any particular Reward.
    12. Rewards may be changed or issued on such additional or varied terms and conditions as determined by the Venue Operator its discretion from time to time as published on the Website.
    13. On the termination of a Membership (for whatever reason) all accrued Rewards of that Member will be automatically forfeited.
    14. When claiming any Rewards, the Member must present their Membership Card and comply with any identification or validation requests made by the Venue Operator.
    15. As part of providing Rewards, the Venue Operator may issue bonus Rewards or make promotional offers to individual Members or groups of individual Members to the exclusion of other Members.
    1. Membership is granted and maintained at the discretion of the Venue Operator.
    2. A Member may surrender their Membership at any time by notifying the Venue Operator and returning their Membership Card.
    3. The Venue Operator may in its discretion at any time suspend or terminate the Membership of a Member for any reason including if the Member has:
      1. breached these Terms and Conditions;
      2. engaged in dishonest or fraudulent activity;
      3. not recorded any activity on their Membership Card for 12 months; or
      4. caused or is likely to cause reputational damage to the Venue.
    4. The death of a Member will immediately terminate their Membership.
    1. Sunset Tavern Rewards will be conducted in accordance with the Privacy Policy.
    2. Each Member acknowledges that the Venue Operator may collect, use and disclose Personal Information in order to:
      1. provide the Member with Rewards;
      2. administer Sunset Tavern Rewards; and
      3. provide each Member’s Personal Information to third parties for them to send material and information to each Member on behalf of the Venue Operator by email and SMS promoting our products and services in accordance with the Privacy Policy.
    3. The Venue Operator will comply with the Spam Act 2003 (Cth), the Do Not Call Register Act 2006 (Cth) and any other applicable legislation in relation to the sending and their receipt of electronic commercial messages to and from Members.
    1. To the extent permitted by law, the Venue Operator and each Related Body Corporate exclude all liability to any Member whether arising in tort (including negligence), contract or otherwise for any personal injury, death or any other damage or loss (including direct or indirect loss) in any way arising from the Member’s participation in or the operation of Sunset Tavern Rewards.
    2. Each Member is responsible for payment of taxes, duties and all other liabilities arising from the Member’s participation in Sunset Tavern Rewards.
    1. The Venue Operator reserves the right to make any changes (whether material or otherwise) (“Changes”) to these Terms and Conditions by publishing details of the Changes on the Website and the Member shall be taken to have notice of the Changes when they are published on the Website.
    2. The Venue Operator gives no warranty as to the continued operation of Sunset Tavern Rewards and the Venue Operator may terminate or suspend Sunset Tavern Rewards at any time in its discretion.
    3. These Terms and Conditions and the Membership are governed by and will be construed in accordance with the laws of Queensland and each Member submits to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the State of Queensland.
    4. If part or all of any clause of these Terms and Conditions is illegal, invalid or unenforceable then it will be read down to the extent necessary to ensure that it is not illegal, invalid or unenforceable but, if that is not possible, it will be severed from these Terms and Conditions and the remaining clauses of these Terms and Conditions will continue to have full force and effect.
    5. Notification by the Member to the Venue Operator under these Terms and Conditions may be given via the Website or in person at the Venue.
    1. In these Terms and Conditions:
      Applicant means a person who submits an Application Form.
      Application Form means Sunset Tavern’s Rewards application form for Membership obtainable from the Venue or the Website.
      EGM means a “gaming machine” as defined in the Gaming Machine Act 1991 (Qld).
      EGM Turnover means the amount in dollars of all bets placed by a Member on EGM’s.
      Rewards Kiosk means the machine located at the Venue set up for swiping Membership Cards.
      Member means a person who is a member of Sunset Tavern’s Rewards.
      Membership means membership of Sunset Tavern’s Rewards.
      Membership Card means the card issued by the Venue Operator to a Member in relation to their Membership.
      Personal Information means “personal information” as defined in the Privacy Act 1998 (Cth) of the Member.
      Photo ID means a driver’s licence, passport, proof of age card or other government identification satisfactory to the Venue Operator.
      Point means points forming part of Rewards.
      Privacy Policy means the privacy policy of the Venue Operator published on the Website from time to time.
      Prize means prizes forming part of Rewards.
      Related Body Corporate means “related body corporate” as defined in the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) of the Venue Operator.
      Rewards means points, prizes, vouchers, privileges or other benefits accrued to a Member in relation to their Membership as evidenced by their Membership Card.
      Tier means a Member’s tier of membership determined in accordance with clause 3(d).
      Venue means Sunset Tavern.
      Venue Operator means.
      Sunset Tavern Rewards means the Membership Rewards program operated by the Venue Operator at the Venue pursuant to these Terms and Conditions.
      Website means
    2. In these Terms and Conditions:
      1. headings are for convenience only and do not affect interpretation;
      2. a word importing the singular includes the plural and vice versa (including a word or words in the Definitions in clause 7(a)), and a word of any gender includes the corresponding words of any other gender;
      3. the word including or any other form of that word is not a word of limitation;
      4. if a word or phrase is given a defined meaning, any other part of speech or grammatical form of that word or phrase has a corresponding meaning;
      5. a reference to a document or a provision of a document is to that document or provision as varied, novated, ratified or replaced from time to time;
      6. a reference to a statute includes any regulations or other instruments made under it (delegated legislation) and a reference to a statute or delegated legislation or a provision of either includes consolidations, amendments, re-enactments and replacements;
      7. a reference to $ or dollar is to Australian currency; and
      8. if a period of time dates from a given day or the day of an act or event, it is to be calculated exclusive of that day.